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- 586-580-8183
About Our Firm
DeMatteis & Ricciardello, PLLC is a full service law firm. Our mission is to serve you, our clients and the Greater Detroit community in which we live.
Knowledge is power when it comes to the law. With our comprehensive knowledge of the Federal and State Law, we use that power to represent our clients and their best interests in a court of law.

Frequently Asked Questions
Having an experienced and knowledgeable attorney is crucial to ensuring the best possible outcome in a court of law. As your aggressive and experienced attorney, we start by gathering all the facts we can. Next, we will go through your case step-by-step and determine what the best course of action is to achieve the best possible result.
No; alcohol is not the only substance that can get you charged with a DUI or OWI.
With the increased number of prescription drugs these days, there are numerous substances that qualify for a DUI of Drugs charge. If a police officer has probable cause to administer field sobriety tests as well as a breathalyzer test, depending on the circumstances of the interaction, that probable cause could extend to a blood test. If you have the presence of pain killers, anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, or any other drug in your system, you will be charged with a crime.
No, the traffic ticket you receive may not be the only negative consequence of the incident.
Depending on the citation, your traffic ticket can carry "points" which can create several drivers licensing and insurance issues.
Also, some traffic tickets in Michigan are considered Misdemeanors, depending on the offense. A Misdemeanor is a criminal offense and the penalties are more harsh than a simple traffic ticket. .
Yes; a lawyer who can determine if the government charged the drug crime correctly can mean everything.
The prosecution has broad discretion based on Michigan Drug laws, on which they can charge you. Therefore, the elements of the crime for which you are charged provide our first avenue of your defense. If the government cannot meet the elements for the crime charged, they cannot obtain a guilty verdict.
Yes; at Dematteis & Ricciardello, PLLC, we are here to make sure that you are not alone.
Whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor that you are facing, the attorneys at our firm are committed to the defense and representation that you deserve.